How To Make A Girl Attracted To You

How to make a girl attracted to you

Today in this article, we will discuss how to make a girl attracted to you. Each human being has a unique set of fingerprints. Similarly, the brain and the heart of each human being works differently. At any point in time, there are so many thoughts going through a person’s brain that it is challenging to pinpoint a specific pattern and try to put in place a formula always to be able to influence those thoughts successfully.

And when it is related to the matters of the heart, like when you are wondering how to attract a girl you like, things become even more complicated.

Girls Behaviour

Every girl has a different list of things she likes or dislikes in a man, and no one-size-fits-all strategy would work for every woman. For example, there could be an 18-year-old college girl who is just starting to taste the world, or a 25-year-old girl who thinks she only loves books or a 35-year-old woman who is seeking attention from younger men because her husband is either inattentive or a cheater, would every rule of courtship be the same for each of these examples?

The first girl would love it if you gave her a taste of freedom by taking her on a 2 am drive through empty streets, the second lady would be thrilled if you could have a literary discussion with her, while the last woman would only want you to pay her attention and importance. But wait, some fairly common and simple things could work at least some of the time, or maybe most of the time, if not always.

Need To Know Your Choice

You need first to know whether you want to know how to attract a girl for love or friendship only. If you are looking for love, you will know immediately when the violins start playing and the snowflakes start falling in your head and your eyes.

Ok, so you have got yourself a date and are looking forward to it. What you must remember is that personal hygiene is something that most women lay great stress on. So avoid stale aftershave, dirty or uncombed hair, or even shoes that are not well polished. It’s a cliché, but you won’t believe how true it is that first impressions are the last impressions.

You might think these are not as important as what sort of a person you are, but remember that before either of you has spoken, both of you have seen each other, and what one sees makes a deep impression that might be difficult to change later.

So take no chances, and groom yourself well. Now for a side story to this piece of advice. While smelling like a pig is a big no, but do remember that the natural smell of your sweat does contain chemicals called pheromones, which women find irresistible. So do take a shower by all means before going for the date, but if you have worked up a light sweat after a dance or two with her, fret not. That smell will actually work in your favor, trust us.

Start by accepting that you are not a nice piece of jewelry displayed on a shelf. You are a human, and you are trying to attract another human. Humans are distinguished from animals or inanimate objects by their ability to think (using their mind) and feel (using their heart). So it would be best if you first attempted to create an emotional connection with the target of your affections.

When you speak to her, let your emotions show. Let your vulnerabilities and fears and self-doubts are laid bare to her. Let her know what makes you happy, angry, or sad. When you open up your emotions in this way and stop being too objective, rational, or logical. Then you open the door open for her to bare herself emotionally to you as well, thus creating an opportunity for an emotional connection.

How To Attract A Girl You Like

Continuing on the topic of letting emotions show, you must know that a man is borderline effeminate sometimes. And isn’t the archetypical alpha male is sometimes more attractive to the opposite sex. This might not be easy to believe, but it is actually true. Women have this image of the ‘nurturer’ in their minds, so if you are soft and sensitive to your woman, it is not such a bad idea, and you might be actually able to tick one option off on your own list of how to attract a girl you like.

Similarly, you don’t always have to look like a Greek God to sweep a girl off her feet. For example, psychologists say that dating a guy that is too handsome gives rise to slight feelings of insecurity in a woman, so if you are ordinary-looking yet can pull the right switches and tick the correct boxes in a woman’s mind (and her heart!), then you stand a much better chance.

While being brave enough to let your real emotions show, you also must remember to radiate confidence. If she sees you as unsure of yourself or not confident enough about yourself, it has a chance to put her off. Women love to have a man they can mother and take care of, but that will not seem so attractive to them if they are not self-confident. So stop fidgeting or adjusting your tie or clearing your throat, or speaking in murmurs when you are with her.

Attracting a girl through texting

Your lack of confidence might not get caught by her only when you try to grasp the basics of attracting a girl through texting because she can’t see you. But, again, confidence and self-confidence shouldn’t be read as boorishness or needlessly aggressiveness. On the contrary, quiet confidence is what she is looking for in your words and gestures.

Attracting A Girl For Love

A big factor in your success could be how soon you find something of common interest. It is said that opposites attract, and for sure, they do. But when you are trying to get around attracting a girl for love, it is a beneficial development if you both like the same things. For example, imagine a group of girls and guys hanging out. You kind of fancy the woman sitting next to you.

If it turns out you both grew up at a time when both of you were fans of a particular singer. Then that conversation could go on for hours about that particular singer. Then that whole genre of music, and maybe even a general discussion about the music scene of that period. It breaks down barriers and doesn’t need you to think of smart things to say or ask continuously.

What happens if you do not find any areas of common interest. But instead, find out something that she loves and you detest. You have two choices then. First, tell her up front, which carries the risk of the budding relationship getting nipped (in the bud, where else?) right there. OOn the other hand, if the relationship is more important to you, you keep your opinions to yourself and steer the conversation to safer ground.

One mistake guys usually make is that they always keep themselves at the receiving end. It would help if you remembered that a girl is looking for a good guy to hook up with. As much as you are searching, so she needs you as much as you do her. So please don’t leave any opportunity to evaluate her (and whether she is good enough for you) instead of focusing on how she is evaluating you.

How to Attract A Girl You Like

Another way to take tension off yourself is to get as unattached as possible to the outcome of your efforts directed at how to attract a girl you like. Say she doesn’t give you her phone number, or she doesn’t call you back. After she said she would, or doesn’t make any moves for a second date after the first, don’t fret. This is not the end of the world, and this too shall pass.

Once you approach a girl with that mindset, you will find that your words and actions around her become more natural and also make you feel more confident, whatever the outcome. Don’t be too persistent if you aren’t getting back the same vibes. Instead, learn how to identify the correct time to let go and move on.

How to make a girl attracted to you over text

It would help if you struck a balance between being overly pushy and too dry. Remember, girls do like some of the romantic stuff, so a smiley or two won’t hurt when you are thinking of Making a girl attracted to you over text, but if you overdo it, it might seem like a put-on. Also, it depends on the type of girl. If she is a no-nonsense type, then all the mush might not help.

Talking of texting, there are some things you should keep in mind while communicating through text messages or WhatsApp messages. First, unless she is very evidently someone who likes to communicate that way. You shouldn’t be overly romantic or childish in your communications. Keep your text messages simple and meaningful, neither too cryptic nor too childish.

Long conversations over text messages

Long conversations over text messages are good once in a while. But it is a much better idea to use the phone for what it was meant for – to talk. So pick up the phone and call. A text message can be potentially hazardous. Because neither the sender nor receiver can see the other person’s facial features and body language. So misinterpretations and misunderstandings are possible. So the best option is to be face to face or at least talking on the phone. Keep critical conversations out of text messages to avoid sending or getting wrong signals.

How to make a girl attracted towards you

If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything. Remember that humor is a trait that is so often underestimated when it comes to making a list of how to attract a girl for love. And by humor, we are not referring to the head thrown back and loud laughter kind of laughter always. Even small things you do or say that will make her smile can go a long way.

But she needs to carry happy memories of how you made her feel happy or amused. It could be a cynical take on the world around you. And impression you do of a famous politician, some subtle sarcasm you convey, or it might even be a crazy nickname you give her. Try giving her happy memories of your times together, and you will see she is drawn to you.

Get Love Give Love

To get love, you must give love. But before you can give love, you must give respect. Be a good listener and try to catch the verbal and non-verbal cues she is giving you. If she is expressing some points of view contrary to yours. There is no need to argue and debate it late into the night.

Instead, you can politely hear her out and choose a more opportune moment later to present your opinion diplomatically. If she has any dark secrets, she is sharing. You need to respect her trust and not go to town the next day sharing it with everyone you know.

We have discussed several ways to learn how to make a girl attracted to you. Some of these might work for some girls, and some might not. Like we said at the beginning of this article, a one size fits all policy will never work. And you need to continually fine-tune your stratagem depending on who you are dealing with. If something doesn’t work, you can back up a bit and try a different route.

And be ready to recognize the obvious signs of when no strategy is working. Then, cut your losses and run like there was no tomorrow. There will always be another girl for you after her.

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