How to make a man addicted to you

How to make a man addicted to you

Some women think that sex can make a man addicted to you. But it is not true anymore. A real man doesn’t need sex to make him addicted to you. It is not necessary at all to steal his mind. If you really want to know how to make a man addicted to you then you have to handle him very carefully. You have to play with him both physically and mentally. 

Here are some tips on how to make a man addicted to you. 

Promote dopamine production

If you are being boring in terms of dating, you can’t make him addicted to you. If you want to know how to make a man addicted to you then you have to know everything about him. What he wants and what he loves, everything you have to know about him, if you really want to make a man addicted to you. Rather in favor of diversity. 

Give him surprise or gifts frequently to make him addicted to you. Plan a trip, even a short one, without letting him know about it, prepare a surprise birthday party for him. 

This new kind of experience doesn’t only create memories in his mind. It also releases a healthy amount of dopamine in his brain. This dopamine is also responsible for building up the feeling of lust and desire. This will make a man addicted to you. 

Also Read – How To Make a Leo Man Fall in Love with You

They are the King of Flings, Not Love

As a man ,he doesn’t like romantic activities but that does not mean that they don’t know how to romance with a woman. 

 a man wants to persuade a woman of his choice when he can turn elegance and be sweet. Although they are usually cold and aloof types of person. 

He’s not a caricaturist or a liar, but looking at his attraction it might seem that he only fell in love with you. 

In a relationship  a man does not want or think anything serious first. He may want you to take in bed after a first date or even a first date. 

They aren’t usually looking for something serious so you have to clear it first. But overall sex is not everything for  a man man is he really fall in love with you. 

A man are great in terms of sex. So they are looking for a partner like him. An excellent sexual partner is easily deceived by their passionate love-making.

Protector openness to feelings

Everyone needs a special person in their life as a life partner. A partner who always listens to him without any judgement. If you want to make a man addicted to you then make sure that he will share anything and everything with you. Before that you have to maintain a comfortable situation around him. This will help him to share everything with you and also render toward you most of the time.  

No matter what happens, whether it is big or small, he needs to share everything with you. By giving such a response, you can be sure that he will always think of you. 

Bring Up His Favorite Topics

To make a man addicted to you is quite difficult because he loses his focus very easily. He loves changes and variety to keep his interest on point. 

Talking to a guy about yourself and praising him is not enough if you want to hold his attention for a long time.

In case he is constantly looking at his phone while talking to you, it is a clear sign that he has lost interest in you. If you notice in your  man then you have to work on it. 

If you really want to get his attention back again then you have to know about his interests and favorite topics. 

When he has an interest in cars then ask him what kind of car he loves to drive. Or which motorbike he wants to ride. You can make a man addicted if you talk about his favorite topic. If he loves to wear a sports jersey or supports a particular team then you can make a conversation with him. That will help you to get back his interest in you. 

If you don’t have enough knowledge about those matters but still you can continue the conversation.  When you open up such a topic that  man has interest then he can definitely dominate the topic. He will be happier than teaching you what he knows.

If you want to make a man fall addicted then you have to stimulate the conversation. Find some common interests that will help you to exchange the information with him. Then you can easily make the conversation memorable with him. 

Make it dependent on you

If you think that surprising him with a memorable date is enough to make a man addicted to you, then you are wrong. It is not enough to make him addicted to you. You have to make him feel lonely whenever you are not around him. If you are successful at this matter, he will definitely become addicted to you. 

This also helps you to remember how much he misses you when you are not around him.  And also he wants you to be with him. So to grow this kind of feeling in him, you have to maintain some distance from him. When you stay away from him, he will realize that he may be addicted to you. 

When you leave him for some time for some reason, this will also help you to increase the power of seduction about you. But make sure you leave him occasionally. If you do it regularly then he may think that you are trying to ignore him. The impact of this goes wrong then. This will give you time to learn to be a strong woman and, therefore, to be more desirable in her eyes.

Wait for Him to Chase You

If you have to be very patient to make a man addicted to you. You have to create a situation where you have to let him decide to try to chase him. It works because he is convinced that you are not going to overwhelm him.

When you set the boundary for him, he has to respect your decision and vice versa. This will also help both of you to feel secure with each other. He will also want to be with you because he will make you look attractive. 

If you pretend that you are too available for him, then your man might think that you are desperate for him. That can be a little drawback for you. A man doesn’t like an emotional fool girl as a life partner. So don’t do that. 

When you give him a lot of breathing space in a relationship, he doesn’t feel like he is under pressure. Let him chase you and he will want to be with you.  He will feel that he has found a perfect woman who does not make demands on him. 

Show your vulnerable side

To make a man addicted to you, you have to show him your vulnerable side that he might attach to you. You especially have to show him how soft hearted you are in your real life. This will work for you a lot. Men feel the need to protect you to keep you safe. Your weakness triggers this defensive instinct in them.

Give the mystery a chance to build itself

To make a man addicted to you, you have to be a little mysterious. Then he may want to know you in a better way. If you tell him everything on your first date, no curiosity is left in him about you. That can be a little turned off. If you don’t create any mystery about you, you can’t make him addicted to you. In a relationship you have to be like a puzzle that he needs to solve. 

If you become an open book for him, he may not be interested in you for so long. 

This same rules also applicable for sex. Don’t undress quickly by yourself when you are in your sexy outfit and he really wants you.  Let him think of you for a long time to awaken desire in him.


Being in a relationship doesn’t mean that both of you don’t have personal space. The same thing happened with a man. If you  want to make a man addicted to you then give him his personal space. When he realizes that  you respect his personal space he also starts to become obsessed with you. 

Love language for a man is a physical touch. If you want to express your love to a Pisces then go for a touch-free. That seems to him a super affectionate moment. 

A Pisces guy never shy from PDA. if you are comfortable with that then don’t go away to opportunity to show PDA. In case somehow you hurt him or someone else or maybe you make him feel uncomfortable. Then he might be shy to show his love through physical touch. 

When you make a man want you then he tries to get closer physically with you. Then he finds excuses to hold your hands, hug you or any gentle touch. It is one of the ways to express love by a Pisces guy. 

If you sit closer and find the opportunity to hug then it is a clear sign that he might like you. 

If you want to make a man happy then show some affection to him. As a suggestion you can hug him on greetings, touch his arms while talking to him or try to hold his hand while walking. This will help you to grow your relationship with a man.

Become a reward

Men love adventure and challenges. This is the same in relationships too. If you really want to make a man addicted to you then you have to maintain some challenges to achieve you. If you are too available for him, then that can’t work for you. It would be like giving him a cheat code in a video game.  Where will all this fun be? 

This will also help you to know your true value for him. Show him that you have lots of other work to do. If he wants you then he has to win you over. That can be very challenging and adventurous too. By following this approach, you can be sure that the best will come from your men.  He will not hesitate to learn to take the necessary steps in your relationship to win you over.

Compliment Him

Men are innately charming sometimes and then they know what people need to hear in order to feel good about themselves. They also live to give compliments to others. On the other hand, he also loves to hear appreciation when someone does for his good job. 

To make a man addicted to you it can work for you a lot. Especially if you give some specific and personal compliments. 

He will appreciate your latest accomplishments at work, your new haircuts that no one else noticed or anything else that shows he pays close attention to you. You have to do the same if you want to make him addicted to you. 

You can mentally stimulate a man by giving him back his compliments and sewing specially for him. It can make him think of you, if there is any deeper meaning present inside your words.

Instead of saying ‘I love your haircut’, you can also say ‘this haircut suits you, makes you look extra handsome’. This is more innovative and interesting also. 

He may think that you notice simple to simple things on him, which is a great sign in terms of a relationship. That also means that you think he is handsome and quite noticeable. 

If nothing else, flattery keeps the conversation flowing happily and makes him want to talk to you more often.

Maintain the passion of the first meeting

As the relationship progresses, men cannot stand up for a fun and carefree woman. They will feel that you have lost the spark that won them in the beginning.

Try to stay with him from the very first date. The twinkle in your eye, the way you speak, the way you act… this is the flame that must be cultivated. 

Live your life to the fullest

Instead of just pursuing romance and true love, or re-reading dating tips on the internet and in magazines, don’t be afraid to take some time for yourself. 

The dream to follow and what you are interested in is what makes you awesome and really exciting!

He will go crazy in love with you when he sees that you are as free as a bird – that you will not be afraid to follow your heart and live your life to the fullest!

Believe me, no man (regardless of his zodiac sign, personality and preferences) will ever be able to be indifferent to such a powerful woman – a woman who knows how to enjoy life and appreciate every second of every moment!

Remember that just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you have to give up.

Over time, he will begin to feel guilty that you gave up your dreams for him and you will inevitably feel unhappy for not doing what you dreamed of doing.

Don’t be afraid to have a life outside of your relationship.  You’ll be amazed at how much distance can help keep a relationship happy (and make him addicted to you in the process)!

Spice it up!

Outside of the bedroom with hot texting, spice up under the sheets.  Flirt with her, use the power of body language, do whatever you want and wherever you want, as long as it keeps things interesting.  Why?

Because many couples fall into a routine and start working automatically.  (Just imagine kissing the love of your life on autopilot, as it seems.)

Show Your Intelligence

If you want to make a man addicted to you through text then you have to make a brief text for him. Your messages should be brief, intellectual and witty. Share some interesting information and then let it go and give him a chance to reply. 

But to make a man addicted to you doesn’t send a very emotional message to your man. Instead, send such a text that shows your confidence, intelligence and self-worth. Give him a clear idea that you also have other options and if he is interested then he should follow you. That is How to make a man addicted to you.  

If a man notices that you are intelligent, smart, clever and well educated he may want to spend more time with you. 

Also Read – How to make a Libra man fall in love with you

How to make him addicted to harmless gestures?

Use social media

If you have a breakup or if your man is away from travel, and you wanna make your man addicted to you then take advantage of social media. Even after a bad breakup he also follows you on social media to see your status and post. 

To make a man jealous you can post your success story and achievements on social media. When he sees that you are enjoying your life and leading a best life without him. He definitely starts to miss you. Eventually they love those women who are independent and successful at their own work. So that he might regret losing you. 

When he sees that you are leading a successful life and living around successful people he wants to be part of your success. They also love to be part of the successful people to make his standard high. When he realizes that you are one of them he will definitely want you back for your fame. 

Getting sexy in the house

When both of them are free and want to make him addicted to you then try to roam around your house. 

If you are in sexy lingerie in front of him, you can easily make a man addicted to you. It expresses a sense of freedom, lightness and sexuality.

Men also fall in love with free spirit. However, this law must be spontaneous. Otherwise, he will be able to catch your trick quickly.

Don’t pretend to be yourself

If you want to make a man miss you then you have to show him who truly you are.  Being yourself and showing him that will help you a lot in this matter. A man appreciates those women who can show exactly what she is without any fear. 

If you want to hide a little bit from your personality can lead to a turn off of your man. It can also affect his interest in you. 

Don’t shy away from reality, rather do whatever you want straight-forward. He will definitely fall in love if you display real feelings and truth. Don’t dare to hide your insecurities and be vocal whenever it is needed. These are the things they love to have in their partner. If you want to make a man addicted to you then you have to be like this. 

To have to avoid fake promises around him. A man hates those people who are giving false promises and hope.  so you need to avoid this to make your man chase you.

Wear your favorite scent for special occasions

It can sound trivial but it really works in a relationship. Find her favorite scent and wear it for special occasions.  But don’t wear it every day, because it will get used to it and it won’t affect you anymore. 

Also, buy other perfumes that you will wear every day.  In fact, using the same perfume every time is quite usual. To create a sexy frame of mind you need to change your scent regularly which will make you addicted to it.

Show Off His Favorite Body Parts

Body parts can be the biggest turn on to the zodiac signs people. The body parts can be the endocrine system, lower back, kidneys, buttocks and skin. 

This means that the mark is attached to the lower back because they often “turn backwards” for those who care for them. 

If you want to make a man addicted to you, then you wear a short shirt or crop top and low-rise pants that show the bottom of your back. Use your body parts to make him addicted to you. 

You can also wear lingerie and pants that accentuate your rear end to show your buttocks. 

As skin is also part of the body part, you can also use this to make him addicted to you. show some plenty of skin when you try to turn him on. 

But make sure you are very careful while making him lean on you. 

Prepare delicious meals

The path of the boy’s mind is connected with the stomach. So if you wanna cook well then you can easily make a man addicted to you. 

You don’t need to cook food as good as a five star restaurant but make sure it genuinely tastes good. Also make fresh food for him, don’t serve frowsy food. 

Men like fresh hot food. It gives them the idea that they are at home. In fact, eating at home is often more reassuring. 

A man easily moves from attraction to fascination and there are some shades of gray in between. If he loves you, maybe he is also obsessed with you.

To make your man addicted to you then try to make his favorite food for him. If you can make the better version of the food that he never had before then you can take place in his mind. 

Try to cook better than his mother. When he realizes and compare with his mother, it could be a good sign that he may want you. 

man also is able to cook but he only fulfills his appetite. Yet he can easily be afraid to fall in love when you go to the trouble of making favorite food. 

If you make his favorite food with a secret recipe then he thinks that you are an exceptional woman and perfect for him. 

When he connects with you emotionally he will give his complete emotion to you. Then you can make a man miss you after a breakup. 

Also Read – How to Make an Aquarius Man Fall in Love with You

Avoid Being Too Emotional

If you think that tempting a man involves pouring your heart out to him and telling him how much you love him, then you have to think again.

Sometimes displays of this kind of emotion can scare a man. He has no such interest to experience dramatic displays of vulnerability. But sometimes they are too sensitive and romantic. So understanding a man is quite difficult sometimes. 

If you want to make a man addicted to you then your heart and share his emotions on a deeper level. 

But when you start doing it, don’t be surprised if it feels like you’ve suddenly hit a wall. It is very hard for men to show their emotions. 

He would rather be reduced in a light, humorous and fun way by showing mental weakness. When you successfully seduce a man, he will show some emotion. Try to accept his emotional boundaries. 

If you share your interest and passion then expect that he is able to adapt to your deepest passions. If you notice that he feels less interest in you then you’re probably pushing a lot of emotional buttons at once.  


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